Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Clermont Chess Club Blog, winning you prizes since about an hour ago!

Simon Williams, the Ginger GM, has started a new venture on Twitch TV. It's a live show with Simon and Fiona Steil-Antoni in which they banter, play against each other, play as a team against other players (a bit called Hand & Brain: one is the brain and calls out which piece to move, the other has to move it), talk about chess, post problems, and generally goof off. I believe it is a new thing that just started this week.

Around five this afternoon I looked in on it and they had posted a problem. The first person to give the answer would win one of Simon's DVDs. I don't have an account with Twitch TV so I couldn't give the answer, but the problem was familiar:

USSR, 1970

White to play and win. 

It looked very familiar, and the reason for that was simple: I had blogged this problem back when I started the blog! It was the fifth real post I put up here. 

So ... IF you have been reading the blog back then, AND had remembered that problem, AND watched GingerGM on Twitch TV today, AND had a Twitch TV account, AND had been the fastest typist, you might have won something for your trouble! 

I don't think I can possibly come up with a better reason than that to read this blog.

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