Monday, April 11, 2016

Assorted whatnot

First, a partial translation, courtesy of, of an interview Peter Svidler gave to after the Candidates. Somewhat interesting if you're a Svidler fan, with hints of the pessimism that some feel holds him back.

Second, a ChessBase article on that video everyone is talking about concerning chess ratings over time. In fact, I may as well embed the video, as everyone else has.

The article establishes who created the video in the first place. It also explains what EDO is, which some of the earlier articles on the video did NOT do. It's disappointing ChessBase didn't mention Chessmetrics, though, especially given that they used to get publish a fair number of articles from the Chessmetrics creator, Jeff Sonas. You can learn more about EDO Historical Chess Ratings at the EDO site, maintained by EDO creator Ron Edwards. It has the advantage over Chessmetrics in that it has been kept current, and I will add it to the blog roll later today. Still, the article is worth a read as Edwards explains some of the weaknesses of the approach when rating earlier players.

Finally, a problem, because why not? I don't have a source for the following problem, other than that it was submitted to the ICC ProblemBot by user Stormline.

White to move and win

1 comment:

  1. In Italy, on the last day, there was only one intrigue left - in the struggle for survival. Genoa hosts Verona. The team must win. Otherwise, it remains to hope that Lecce will misfire against Parma.

    Bookmakers give identical odds to outsiders in their matches. experts doubt that Genoa will be able to defeat the strong middle peasant. In the confrontation between Parma and Lecce, a bet on the exchange of goals is proposed.
