Sunday, April 24, 2016

Tournament Players PROTIP #1

PROTIP #1: If you bring jerky to the tournament to snack on during games (which is a good idea), also pack a NEW roll of dental floss in your tournament tote bag. This will save you from running to the hotel gift shop in the middle of a big money game to buy dental floss.


  1. Eating jerky during the round is a poor idea, at least for me. Jerky during rounds has always given me severe nausea, and made me sleepy to boot. A much better idea is chocolate chips, at least towards the end of the game. Also, eating anything that will require going to the restroom during the most important game of the tournament to floss might not be a great plan to start with.

  2. Haven't had those digestive issues with jerky. I get my sugar fix through soft drinks (also how I get my caffeine fix), and don't need more. (Planning on experimenting by dropping soft drinks altogether during games, but didn't want to change that this weekend.) I like jerky because if I start eating a little at a time early in the game, I should start getting the energy from the digestive process towards the middle & end of game. The key is to keep an even keel, energy-wise. I should probably do a little research and experimentation on this topic.

    As for going to the bathroom to floss - I'm probably going to the bathroom anyway. See PROTIP #4, just posted. Also, like Botvinnik, I believe in getting up and moving during the round. I probably walked at least a mile during my first, second, and fifth round games, possibly a good deal more.
