Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fighting to the bitter end pays off!

Part Whatever-it-is in my Bitter Ender Chronicles

The second Millionaire Chess event took place in Las Vegas recently. was there and held a Best Game Contest, the winner of which would be awarded free entry into next year's edition of the tournament: a prize worth a cool $1,000! Players submitted their games and eventually a winner was chosen. The winning game came from the Under 2000 section.

Now the game can't really be considered "best" in terms of accuracy. Here's how judge IM Daniel Rensch described it:
Full of errors? Yes! Both sides played terribly to allow the other the huge advantage that each maintained at one point in the game? Of course! But isn't that what beauty is all about? :P OK, maybe not! But the fact that I went through this game at first thinking "well, this isn't so special...White blundered with 7.Nd2 and Black found an obvious, typical idea" only to realize that White fought like an angry pit bull for 40+ moves to work his/her way BACK into the game and eventually win! Wow! That's awesome. And a sexy finish to go with it! :D
Dogged determination won this game! 

Moves 7-9 were a comedy of errors for White, dumping him in a dead lost position. But having a dead won position before move ten apparently left Black feeling a bit too relaxed, and at move 20 he starts giving the advantage away, a little at a time, until he blunders into an "even" position around move 27. Further inaccuracies are exchanged until Black commits the biggest blunder of the game on move 33. Death follows. Note that all these errors were committed by players rated 1943 and 1839!

Always fight to the bitter end!

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